1. Bought a new pair of shoes & don't have time to wear them in? Grab a pair of thick socks & your hair dryer and you will be ready to go in 10 minutes! Put your thick socks on, your new shoes over the socks and blowdry tight areas. Keep your socks on while your shoes cool and you are ready to go!
If they are still a little tight after you take the socks out repeat again to give them a little more stretch.
2. Love cute rings but hate the green mark they can leave on your fingers? Paint the inside of your rings with a layer of clear nail polish!
3. Hang your handbags on shower curtain rings to de-clutter and keep them off the floor and spaced out!
4. Wear your hair in a loose ponytail rather than a tightly pulled back ponytail to prevent straining your hair and bald patches. You should also try not to wear your ponytail in the same spot every day.
5. Red red wiiiiine...we love a nice glass of red with some cheese and biscuits, but have you noticed it always seem to be when you're drinking the RED wine that it spills and never the white (and always seems to be on your favourite white dress)!? Keep some white close by! Pour white wine over the red spill and let it air dry. The white wine neutralises the red stain and is easier to wash out!
6. Use a magnet board to keep all of your makeup neat & tidy
7. Makeup wipes aren't just for your face! Get rid of that annoying foundation mark on the white top you just put on, or that deodorant mark on your black tee!
8. Paint your keys with nail polish so you can tell which is which!
9. Thinking of cleaning our your wardrobe? At the start of the Season, hang all of your hangers facing one way. Each time you wear an item, turn its hanger around to be facing the other way. By the end of the season, you will see all of the items your haven't worn and can sell them at the local markets to make some money to buy some new items from Unwritten! (hehe)
10. Put frozen grapes in your wine to keep it cool & prevent it being watered down
11. Put a magnetic strip in your bathroom drawer or cabinet to keep all of your bobby pins & tweezers together!
12. Cutlery trays are perfect to keep jewellery neat & tidy
13. (Helloooo dream shoe-drobe!!) Want to keep your boots tidy? Hang them with 'skirt hangers' if you have the hanging space, or keep them upright on the floor with old magazines rolled up inside!
14. Keep warm this Winter! Make your own heat packs by filling small pillow cases or socks with rice and tying the end with ribbon. Add some tea leaves for a yummy scent!
15. Having trouble telling if your bra fits? If you can't fit 2 fingers under the back strap, it's too small. If you can fit a fist or more, it's too big.
16. So many shoe styles this Season are best worn without socks (yes, Converse and cut out boots we are looking at you!) no socks may look better, but it can also equal some bad smelling pairs of shoes! Put baking soda in your shoes to rid the smell and also kill bacteria
17. Run your mascara wand under hot water to prevent clumps. You can also add a few drops of saline (the liquid contact lenses are kept in) into the mascara tube if it is getting a little dry to prolong it's life for a few more weeks
18. Got bubblegum stuck in your hair? Rub it with ice to get it out! (we have also heard peanut butter works...but we think ice sounds a little cleaner!)
19. Sick of losing your hair elastics in the bottom of your bag? Wrap them around a styraphome ball to keep them all together and easy to find!
20. Soak your nails in hot water and baking soda to brighten up your tips. For stubborn stains you can also try putting some whitening toothpaste on your toothbrush and scrubbing with your toothbrush
21. Don't you hate when you have packed your clothed all neatly in your suitcase ready for a holiday and then have to put dirty shoes on top! Pack your shoes in a shower cap to keep them tidy and your clothes clean!